Archive for the Maniacal Monday Category

Maniacal Monday #21

Know how to start a Monday off right? Oversleep. Slept right through the alarm (or hit snooze in my sleep), and was awakened by the dogs barking 15 min after I should have been at work. Fun times.

I finally finished the VIRTUAL RIDE for breast cancer hosted by Run with Jess this weekend. 31 miles of during October, and a lot of butt pain. lol I did manage to take a picture while I was riding during my second ride (the 12.5 mile one):

photo 1

Less than 4 miles into and I was already in pain. And I’m pretty sure I was even rolling downhill when I snapped it. 😉 I rode 11 miles on Saturday, and that was all I could do. That left me 4.1 miles to finish yesterday, and as soon as I sat down on that seat I knew that was going to be a long 4.1 miles with a sore butt. But, after about a mile, my butt didn’t hurt so bad. Probably because my legs started to hurt worse. haha After it was over, I had the hubby snap a shot of me on my bike with the medal, because who doesn’t love bling?


Now I have to start running again since I have a 5k coming up next month and a 12k in December.

I had to ask a question of Jamie this weekend. “Do you want to graduate on time, or do you want to do summer school or another year of school?” She’s 2 weeks behind, Chad is 4 weeks behind. Craziness. I’ve cut off internet for both. James said yesterday that they needed gas for their mopeds, and I told him I had been deliberately not getting more gas for them for the same reason they have no internet. And since he isn’t making them do their work which is the whole reason he isn’t working at a real job that actually pays, I have a fun-filled pending talk to have with him.

Anywho, Amber tore up my hand yesterday while we played. I didn’t realize the damage until I put on lotion and it burned us. I was very amused at KitKat’s ungraceful falling off of things she was sleeping on over the weekend.

Insert clever title here

I had some small personal victory this past weekend. I also have some big old fail albeit with vindication. I was going to elaborate on the latter, but I have stewed on that too much, and it’s not my problem at all now that it has resulted in cutting all ties. As for the victory, well, that was one with my own self-esteem. Not that the war is over, just a couple of battles.

The hubby and I went to Lee & Rachel’s again Saturday night for dinner, and he decided before we left that I should take my guitar to play and sing around the fire. Really? How long have we been together and how did he not know what kind of terror that brings out in me? Ok, yeah, it’s not like they have never heard me play and sing. But I conceded and took it along with my old binder full of chords & lyrics & real sheet music. And much of what was in there was stuff I haven’t played since high school.

But that said, I played some Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Eagles, Alan Jackson, Bangles (don’t judge me), and a couple more that I can’t remember. I know the whole Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks is shocking for anyone who knows me. 😉 You know, songs everyone knows but don’t know until you hear it. And I might have had way too much wine too.

I made my debut with the C.O.R.E. Worship team yesterday. 4 songs 4 times each, including sound check. Was a long day, but, oh man. It was so much fun. It is such a privilege to be able to play with a group of such talented folks. My mic went dead during the first service. That was fun. I mean, I was ok with that, but since part of my role was vocals, having a working mic is kind of important. 😉 Pastor Nate preached, and brought it! When I got home last night, I was wiped out tired, and I crashed into bed about 8. I didn’t drag myself out of be until 6, and was dragging then. But it was all just physical. I haven’t felt mentally wiped out like I expected. I guess not having to deal with a bunch of drama or dealing with dreading a bunch of drama makes a difference.

Our neighbors had their art festival over the weekend. I can’t remember if they host it once or twice a year. Regardless, we had the overgrown white-trash yard this year. But whatever. One of these days the yard will get mowed and maybe even before winter. LOL!

I have several topics in mind for the rest of the week. Whether or not they move from mind to keyboard remains to be seen.

KitKat got really lovey over the weekend, and not even in a bid to get fed. Jamie said she will change back. I kind of look forward to that because she picks times I don’t want her on me to get on me. You know, like a cat. 😉

Have a great week!

Monday Morning

Rough and stressful week leads to waking up Saturday morning with a migraine. Oh, fun times. And I ended up driving to Cary twice. Yes, twice. With that migraine. Why you may ask? Or maybe you don’t, but I will tell you anyway. lol I preordered Pokemon X and Y for the kids way back in the summer, and they were released Saturday. :sigh: Then Jamie had a birthday party invite for Saturday night and insisted on going to Hot Topic to get her friend a present. I let James have the honor of taking her to the party. 😉

I rode 12.5 miles on my new bike yesterday. Oh, my. One of my co-workers was laughing over my John Wayne walk down the hall earlier to get coffee. There is a lot of pain today. I rode to the point of exhaustion, and one does not simply walk down stairs after a long ride until one recovers a little bit.

Jamie burned eggs again this morning. When I walked out of my bedroom, I smelled something that smelled like toast. I assumed it was Chad, but when I walked into the kitchen, I saw the pan of eggs. One exploded before I could get to the stove and turn off the fire. I was so mad. I went to her room and banged on it yelling at her to get in the kitchen. Well, Chad pops out and immediately sat down at his desk and started working on homework. I said, “That wasn’t for you. That was for Jamie.” Back I go and ripped into her. Later, after I left and cooled off, I sent her a text apologizing for yelling.

KitKat decided to puke in my room yesterday morning. While I was eating. Evie and Gizmo decided they both needed to chase Tiger and Sushi/Mako yesterday all over the house. It was funny for a while, but then it got old. I laughed at Evie because she just can’t move very quickly. But she gave it what she had.

I got a text from one of my cousins yesterday evening asking me if I joined the Air Force before I graduated from UCA. I found it to be kind of an odd question out of the blue (blue – Air Force – see what I did there? No? lol), but I have been known to text her an odd question out of the blue too. Anyway, I, of course, answered sarcastically with “Are you thinking of joining?” But then I actually answered that I joined right after graduating.


Oh, my goodness I laughed so hard. I’m still laughing over it. :rofl2:

I got caught up grading and recording Jamie’s school work Saturday. Chad is still way behind, and we didn’t get to his Algebra this weekend either. I had to change the wifi password AGAIN because Chad managed to get it. I know how, but he won’t own up to it. Or, well, let me just say that one of the kids is lying about how he got it. Anyway, until I sit down on his desktop long enough to get the mac address and specifically block him, I just have to keep my desktop locked. So, I have tweaked scheduling a little bit to have a little better handle on what they are supposed to be doing.

That hair:

Odds and Ends

I had my second DNR this weekend. Even if I hadn’t already planned to not race, I wouldn’t have because I spent a good chunk of the morning on the toilet thanks to the glutening 2 weeks ago. I might have spent that time regretting the spicy pumpkin dip I’d eaten the day before also. 😉

Friday night, I went to Chatham Marketplace to get wine. As I was walking up from the parking lot, I noticed some young folks (I assumed college students) with clipboards, and I mentally groaned because I didn’t want to do a survey or buy anything or talk to strangers. They were supporting a cause, and trying to get others to support it. I politely and respectfully declined. But I didn’t get away so easy as I asked myself “Why didn’t you just go to Food Lion??” I was wearing my Ninja Challenge tshirt, and so we had a nice chat about that. I didn’t buy any wine either. I did pick up some more quinoa which I get from their bulk bins, and the sack busted open when the guy put it down on the register to weigh it. Oh, man. That stuff went everywhere! I was so glad it didn’t do that to me. lol

Saturday was a pretty busy day after spending the morning in the bathroom. lol The hubster and I went to get some nuts and bolts and locking washers to put the new spindle on the mower deck. Then we went to Harris Teeter to get Jaffa cakes for the kids, but there was only one box left so they had to share. Anyway, I got a pumpkin spice latte since Starbucks was right there in Harris Teeter. 😉 Then off to Walmart where I got this:

photo (1)

Yes, it’s a cheap Huffy. I didn’t get it for it’s speed or lack thereof. I have a good track record with Huffy. I took it out for a 3.4 mile ride that evening, and had to stop halfway and rest my butt. I’ve since adjusted the seat tilt, so hopefully it will be kinder to my backside. lol And I do have to this to earn this month:


I’ve written 881 words of my book. lol

Oh, yeah. The riding mower is fixed. But hardly any mowing happened because the hubster and I both woke up sick yesterday. And I am still sick. I called in this morning and said I would keep it at home today and share it tomorrow.

I thought I would do just a little bit of maintenance on Chad’s “old” laptop before I call Dell to have the screen fixed…again. Now I see why says it’s crap. It has issues and I’ve been troubleshooting the wireless on it since yesterday. Something is hogging some serious resources on it. :pullhair: Fun times.

“Like sands through the hourglass…”

And now all I can hear is the theme music from Days of our Lives. I never was a big fan. I watched it enough to know the long time characters, but I just couldn’t ever stay into soaps. Except Santa Barbara. But I dumped it when Lane Davies left. Anywho…

I’m tired. It seems all I did over the weekend was grading. I really hope the kids don’t get all behind like that again this week. :sigh:

I did clean out my car though. The back floorboard was starting to look like a dumpster. It needs to be washed, but ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

If Granny Eoff’s fresh apple cake recipe was ever a secret, it isn’t anymore. I posted it on Facebook for a couple of folks, and at least 3 people reshared. lol But, I have Aunt Cora’s Italian Cream Cake recipe now, so it’s all good. And that all came about because I shared a old picture of my then young Granny for #throwbackthursday.

I didn’t run this weekend. Don’t judge me.

I took Chad out and let him practice driving…my car. :nervous2: He did good, but I still could have used a valium. 😉

I didn’t learn from another’s mistake and ate a Snickers Friday evening. Oh, yes, it was a mistake.

And, I’m all set to audition next week for the C.O.R.E. Worship team. By all set I mean I told Bradford I could do it next Sunday. Eek! It’s now time to get serious about learning those songs. I mean, I know them, but I need to know them without the crutch of words and chords in front of me.

Still didn’t get around to making Petra a pie. Because it’s just so hard to peel and slice apples. 😉

The kids got their new glasses today.

Oh, and since I gave up the caffeine, I am sleeping better at night. Huh. Really, I wasn’t drinking much and rarely had any after lunch, but I am sleeping for longer than an hour or two at a time. AND I’m not having so many headaches.

Chad didn’t appreciate me playing this when his friends were over Saturday night. I enjoyed it immensely. 😉


1. I don’t know what got me last week, but it cost me what was left of my sick time, and a chunk of vacation. Only 2 days, but I really hadn’t accrued much since I used up everything when I took vacation in July. Petra is pretty sure that it was the Progresso soups and the stop at Sonic Wednesday. Who am I to argue? 😉

2. I’ve lost some of my enthusiasm for homeschooling. The boy is behind. He needs math tutoring which I am capable of providing. However, as I told him, he has to be awake when I am home and awake so I can help.

3. I’m not going to attempt the full marathon next month. I’m downgrading to the half. More on that tomorrow.

4. I’m back off of caffeine. But I did get my hands on a triple venti pumpkin spice latte Friday. I did not help the migraine either, but it was yummy.

5. We finally cancelled the Sirius account on the van and added my car to the account. By we I mean the hubby. Because I avoid phone calls. The van was totaled last December, but Sirius accidentally gave me an additional free 6 months in the car, so it kind of evened out.

6. I took a nap at lunch today. This is not unusual for me. Anyway, when my alarm went off, I had been so asleep that I didn’t completely know where I was. I mean, I knew, but it looked unfamiliar for a few minutes.

7. Should be paying bills right now.

8. Needs a free masseuse who doesn’t expect any activity after the massage. Just sayin’. 😉

9. Need to clean out my car. This hasn’t happened since the July ladies night at Abyssinia.

10. Is going to bed now.

A few thoughts

I know. 2 posts in one day. But since I didn’t do a post Monday…

1. The cats need baths. Tiger especially since he’s the one that has been up on me for the past hour.

2. It really really stinks when someone puts on eggs to boil, forgets about them, and they burn and explode.

3. Reading back through your journal can be interesting.

4. A lunch time nap can do wonders.

5. Alzheimer’s sucks.

6. Deprecated php code sucks. I just wanted another reason to say “deprecated” after making it my big word of the day last Friday. But it’s use last week was over php code also.

7. Mosquitoes suck too. Pun intended.

8. So do mice. Especially mice that eat the bait off traps without tripping them. :-/

Maniacal Monday #20

I got busy last week and never did finish the post I started. So, perhaps I will finish it today.

1. Counseling: “I don’t want to vomit on her.” But I did. Not literally. It was a verbal vomit starting with “I’m not sure where to even start…” and then it all just spewed out like it was 4am after a night of playing quarters with mezcal which I just learned is not tequila. It was all disjointed and jumped around (like this post will be), but it did feel good to hear someone confirm that I had a lot fall on me at one time. And confirmed depression or at least that I like/want to sleep…a lot…and eat.

2. Running: I have not completed a long run since the 7 mile one. A week ago Sunday morning ended up as 10 instead of the 15 it was supposed to be, and my back got to hurting so bad the last 3 miles that I would lay down every time we came to a bench. The benches were about a half mile apart. Anyway, the last half mile I told the hubby that I had to lay down one last time if I was going to make it back. He started fighting with a wasp right away, which I just kind of ignored until he started yelling, “GET UP!” There was a definite urgency to it, so I did, and looked behind as I got up and there were a bunch of wasps swirling in front of the bench. I then took off running fast as I yelled “Oh, shit!” I don’t know how we didn’t get stung, nor the couple that ran through the middle of our episode.

I ran the CARA 10k Saturday, and in a way it didn’t suck as bad as last year and in a way it sucked worse. The event was/is great, but the course is a bit hilly. Granted, the last half is the part of the course I run nearly every week with the Tribe, so there was that familiarity. But I could tell I hadn’t run in a week or 2. It HURT. I am still sore. But I felt great when it was over (after I recovered). And one of the ladies volunteering ran me in the last half mile which really really helped take my mind off the pain and the urge to give up and walk. And then there was this:

Yes, that is a llama. Blurry llama because I took that post race.

3. The yard: I broke the riding mower.

Ugh. I considered JBWeld, but I don’t think it would really work. So I’ll be ordering a replacement part. :sigh:

4. Homeschool: Starting the day after Labor Day. With not all of the material. But enough to start, and so it will be a little bit odd scheduling. I got school supplies this weekend, and let me tell you it is so nice just getting 2 5-subject notebooks and 2 packs of mechanical pencils. So easy!

5. Music: I took my daughter with me shopping Saturday. I needed gluten free bread, and I like Whole Foods’ brand of sandwich bread. So since I also needed dog food, motor oil, and school supplies which I was going to get from Walmart, I decided to head to Chapel Hill instead of Cary. I haven’t really decided which is closer, but Jamie was begging for sushi, and since she likes it from the Harris Teeter heading up to Chapel Hill, that was 3 birds with one stone. Only thing, I took the truck since my car needed the oil change, and just had AM/FM radio instead of Sirius. She put it on 105.1 which is pop, and I then had to endure a lot of crap music. Like Macklemore. And Miley. In fact, I decided I hate Achy Breaky Heart that much more because without that “hit” from her daddy, Miley might not have become a celeb herself.

6. Pets: Buster has been way too barky lately. KitKat has retreated back to Jamie’s room and won’t come out. Tiger and Sushi don’t yet understand that my legs are not to be climbed especially when I am wearing shorts. Tiger doesn’t understand personal space things like “Keep your butt out of my face!” But he does rub my face with his so I guess he considers me part of his family. He is very social. Sushi, not so much. She is Spot, Jr. Looks like her. Acts like her.

7. Wrap up: I went to the dentist this morning. No cavities. On the way back to work, I got behind a chicken truck. I relayed that bit of info to my co-workers for a reason I won’t share, but one said, “Wasn’t there a song called ‘Chicken Truck’?” There was:

Maniacal Monday #19

So, I haven’t blogged in a few days and I guess I should write something given the dark nature of 2 of the 3 last posts.

1. I feel a whole lot better. I went to my doctor and asked for something to help me function. I’m really grateful that our doctor is a family doctor who knows me and my husband pretty well, and so I really didn’t have to go into too great a detail of what all was going on. I did let him know I was going to Al-Anon and wanted counseling for the additional issue(s) that got dredged up. He understood, and just asked if I needed something for the mental or mental and physical. I told him just mental, and he gave me an antidepressant which had me feeling stoned out of my mind for about 5 days before my body adjusted to it. He also told me to absolutely keep running and why. And he gave me referrals for counseling, and I have an appointment with a psychologist Wednesday.

2. Al-Anon. Now that I am “drugged up,” I can attend meetings without crying the whole time. Granted, it is ok to sit and cry through a whole meeting, but I prefer to have my meltdowns in the privacy of my shower. I’ve gone to a 3 different groups: a beginner’s group, and 2 regular groups. I really like the beginner’s group because of it’s focus on newcomers. Of the other 2 groups, one is pretty big, and one pretty small. I like the smaller group even though they spent a lot more time on me than my social anxiety was comfortable with. Regardless, I should have gone to Al-Anon years ago.

3. Running. Ugh. The marathon training is kicking my butt. I do fine with the short runs, but the long runs are a succession of fails. Quite discouraging. And I miss my running partner Karyn. 🙁

4. I am now officially chief administrator of a homeschool. And my daughter is a lot closer to having enough credits to graduate than I thought so that should be able to graduate at the end of this school year. The only thing my son passed last year was gym. :sigh: Looks like it will take summer school to ever get him back on track.

5. We have electricity again in the master bedroom & bathroom! After replacing all the switches and outlets, the culprit had to be a wire. There is a light in the attic, and I told the hubby that we need to check that before we start tearing out walls. That light was ok, but he traced the wire he could see on the attic side of our bedroom and found this:

The mouse tried to fit through the same hole as the wire through the 2×4 in the corner, got stuck, and proceeded to chew through the wire…and got fried. So we just had to replace a few feet of wire between outlets that (unfortunately) went around a corner, but yet (fortunately) was half in the attic so there was minimal wall damage around one outlet. This is the damaged wire that was inside the stud:

I cannot tell you how nice it was to sleep in my bed again. And have bright light in the bathroom. Because the lantern just wasn’t cutting it.

6. Mice. They are everywhere. KitKat will not stay in my daughter’s room anymore because she is stalking. I sat in the living room the other evening and watched a mouse running back and forth through the kitchen, but KitKat was perched in the laundry room where she couldn’t see it, and Gizmo wasn’t anywhere to be seen. :sigh: And the kittens keep themselves to the back of the house when they are let out.

7. Fleas. I don’t know which is worse. The mice or the fleas. It’s almost as if Gizmo is producing fleas. Winter can’t come quick enough. Just sayin’.

8. All our lawn equipment is back and fixed, and the hubby mowed the front before it got way too far out of control. The back is way out of control though.

9. The hubby finally got paid, and bought the boy a moped. (The blue one.)


And less than 24 hours later, I got a call from my son telling me “I crashed! I need help!” He got pretty scuffed up, but it could have been so much worse.



Knee from top

Knee from top

Knee from front

Knee from front

The faceplate is why his face didn’t look like his knee. One of his hands was pretty scuffed up too.

10. Diet. I really need to stop eating tater tots. Also, I found some gluten free wasabi peas at Harris Teeter. Only thing, some of the peas are so hard that it is like chewing up gravel.

And I think that is pretty much it.

Back from vacation

I started this yesterday, but it just didn’t get finished.

Oh, man. What a week it was! But my kids survived the lack of internet at Granny’s house. 😉 I’m not sure I survived the flights. But I didn’t seem to get badly glutened even though I ate a small piece of Aunt Becky’s black eyed pea cornbread knowing it had wheat flour. I had to know, and it was good!

I tried to keep it on the down low that I was going home to Arkansas because there were issues I didn’t want to address. It only partially worked as they popped up in a way that I had to address them after I got back. But in a way that I’ve avoided any public meltdowns. So far.

I was supposed to run 9 miles the weekend I traveled to AR, but there was no run happening on flight day, and I wasn’t running 9 before church, and wasn’t running that evening. So I attempted it Monday morning. I made it 4.73 miles (according to MapMyRun). Around mile 4 I realized I had stopped sweating, and decided not to push it. I walked into the house and exploded in sweat. After I cooled down and cleaned up, I took the kids to Petit Jean Mountain. We did the obligatory trip to “the point”, and were going to do the Museum of Automobiles, but there was no one there but us and the kids were all “Uh, no.” So we went to the petting zoo.


Oh hai

Oh hai

We went to the visitor center, and then went on to the Cedar Falls Overlook area.


One word.  Creepy.

One word. Creepy.

Jamie wanted to hike down to the falls, and I was game. However, we couldn’t figure out how, and so then she decided we should go to some cave. We didn’t make it to the cave, and only made it as far as the Davies bridge on the creek above the falls. It was down there that I used what little service I had on my phone to text Karyn and let her know that having come down that trail, the Campbell Creek Trail at Raven Rock is an easy moderate trail. And we had to climb back up out of there. 1.17 miles down and back. I added that to what we walked on the other side to the overlooks, and decided 3 miles of trail on the mountain made up for the 4.2 miles I didn’t run that morning.

Cedar Falls

Cedar Falls

Davies Bridge

Davies Bridge

Tuesday, we went to the zoo. It’s a mile around the zoo, and we did enough looping and backtracking that I think I got in a couple of miles.

He likes penguins.  And making that face.

He likes penguins. And making that face.

I was amused by the cat sleeping sprawled out on it's back.

I was amused by the cat sleeping sprawled out on it’s back.

I think we wandered around downtown Conway on Wednesday.



The kids wanted to go to Toadsuck...until we got there.

The kids wanted to go to Toadsuck…until we got there.

Thursday was the annual family reunion for my dad’s side of the family. There was a low turnout, but I was glad to see those who were able to come. In an effort to prevent glutening, I fried chicken to take. As I was opening the package before I fried it, I thought, “Oh, man. 18 pieces was too much. I hope people eat this!” We only brought back 4 pieces.

3 of my cousins...with red solo cup...

3 of my cousins…with red solo cup…

We went by the old homeplace when we left. :sigh: It sure doesn’t look anything like it did when I lived there.

This is where the house was.

This is where the house was.

I spent Friday wrapping up remaining loose ends, and hopefully all of them for the time being. I got caught up on my reading, and my planks. But I didn’t do any planks over the weekend. I arrived to too much drama. But that is a story in itself that I started to blog, but then I saved it to drafts and decided to leave it alone for now.

First dorm at college.  Short Hall

First dorm at college. Short Hall

My second dorm.  Denney Hall.

My second dorm. Denney Hall.

Common area between Short and Denney.  Only dorms that still look exactly like when I went to UCA.

Common area between Short and Denney. Only dorms that still look exactly like when I went to UCA.

Old Main at UCA.  It seems bigger than it was.

Old Main at UCA. It seems bigger than it was.

Brenda was on vacation at the beach when I was home so I didn’t get to see her. Which means she has to come out here to visit me. lol Anyway, when I talked to her last, she told me I should go by and see Kevin’s headstone. So I did, and probably would have melted down if Jamie hadn’t been with me.



There are a few more photos on my Instagram.