I had some small personal victory this past weekend. I also have some big old fail albeit with vindication. I was going to elaborate on the latter, but I have stewed on that too much, and it’s not my problem at all now that it has resulted in cutting all ties. As for the victory, well, that was one with my own self-esteem. Not that the war is over, just a couple of battles.
The hubby and I went to Lee & Rachel’s again Saturday night for dinner, and he decided before we left that I should take my guitar to play and sing around the fire. Really? How long have we been together and how did he not know what kind of terror that brings out in me? Ok, yeah, it’s not like they have never heard me play and sing. But I conceded and took it along with my old binder full of chords & lyrics & real sheet music. And much of what was in there was stuff I haven’t played since high school.
But that said, I played some Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Eagles, Alan Jackson, Bangles (don’t judge me), and a couple more that I can’t remember. I know the whole Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks is shocking for anyone who knows me. 😉 You know, songs everyone knows but don’t know until you hear it. And I might have had way too much wine too.
I made my debut with the C.O.R.E. Worship team yesterday. 4 songs 4 times each, including sound check. Was a long day, but, oh man. It was so much fun. It is such a privilege to be able to play with a group of such talented folks. My mic went dead during the first service. That was fun. I mean, I was ok with that, but since part of my role was vocals, having a working mic is kind of important. 😉 Pastor Nate preached, and brought it! When I got home last night, I was wiped out tired, and I crashed into bed about 8. I didn’t drag myself out of be until 6, and was dragging then. But it was all just physical. I haven’t felt mentally wiped out like I expected. I guess not having to deal with a bunch of drama or dealing with dreading a bunch of drama makes a difference.
Our neighbors had their art festival over the weekend. I can’t remember if they host it once or twice a year. Regardless, we had the overgrown white-trash yard this year. But whatever. One of these days the yard will get mowed and maybe even before winter. LOL!
I have several topics in mind for the rest of the week. Whether or not they move from mind to keyboard remains to be seen.
KitKat got really lovey over the weekend, and not even in a bid to get fed. Jamie said she will change back. I kind of look forward to that because she picks times I don’t want her on me to get on me. You know, like a cat. 😉
Have a great week!
I’m loving that first paragraph! The singing around the fire sounds like a fun night.
Once I got over myself, it was fun. 🙂
One of the reasons I wanted to learn guitar back when I first got one in the late 90’s, was so I could play and sing around the campfire. I should really get busy on learning how to play…… lol