1. I ran the 2nd Annual Rabbit Run 5k Saturday the 13th. Just like last year I woke up sick, only last year it was a sinus infection, this year side effects from a diet detox. Unlike last year, I was able to run the entire race (slow as I am), redeeming myself from last year not making it much farther than a mile before I had to walk. Sadly, I only beat my time from last year by about a minute, and definitely did not PR. However, I seemed to have run out whatever I woke up with because I felt pretty good the rest of the day.
2. I ran the Sanford Fitness Fest 10k Sunday finishing 3rd in my age group. Oh, and I finished dead last overall, so clearly there were a total of 3 in my age group. haha! Only 27 ran the 10k, so it wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was like a typical tribe run. đ I finished, so it was a win. The hubby decided the day before to run with me only he did the 5k since he hasn’t run since last summer. We started together, but there was a point where the 5k & 10k split, so from that point on we were each on our own. I heard he really blew it out from that point to place much higher than when he was running at my pace.
3. I’ve been fighting off a candida overgrowth on my scalp with a candida diet. This is week 4, and I am so done with this diet because my scalp is actually worse than before I started. I knew it would get worse before getting better, and the first week of detox saw the entire left side of my scalp practically explode with hives and blisters. Which is typical for a detox, though the last couple detoxes left me with those rashes on my face. But anyway, I’m going to give it the rest of the week, and if no improvement, I’m just going to get my doc to prescribe me an antifungal shampoo because I cannot buy Nizoral over-the-counter anymore. Petra thinks I am getting glutened. I am starting to lean that direction especially considering the ramen I cleaned out of my utensil drawer on Saturday. :-/
4. Discovered that I would rather “clean up” Microsoft generated html than code it myself.
5. Pretty sure I’m going to attempt a full marathon in October. Pretty sure != registration.
6. Found a Spice Girls song on my iPod. And Ricky Martin. One of those 2 is believable that I put it on there.