I didn’t miss you. Monday, that is. 😉
I also never got around to writing anything after last Monday. Therapy + sick + work + avoidance = DragonLady going all honey badger. As in honey badger got stung by the cobra and had to take a nap. lol
I didn’t really do much of anything over the weekend. I took Jamie to A.C. Moore in the rain, and took one look at the line at Starbucks and we both decided we did not need any fru-fru coffee. We stopped at the thrift store in an effort to find her a scarf, but they didn’t have one she wanted. They did, however, have a black shawl I wanted, so score! She already called me old over it. Stop judging me. 😉
Anyway, once we got back home, I didn’t leave the house again until this morning. Today was my annual physical, and that’s just always fun. I was hoping not to get the bonus rectal exam because exit only, but alas. :sigh: He did say that if my pap is normal that we could do that every 3 years instead of annually since I am low risk in that area. And again he mentioned that I would be getting a colonoscopy when I am 45…which is just a little over a year away. Ugh. My bad cholesterol is high, but my good cholesterol is good and the ratio between the 2 is in the normal range. I didn’t even pay attention to my blood pressure, and he didn’t mention it so I guess it’s ok. It pretty much has been fine since I started running and lost weight. Go figure. 😉 Everything else blood-wise is fine except for vitamin D which is pretty stinking low. So I will be taking 4000 UI instead of my sporadic 1000 UI. And we are cutting the dosage for my happy pills to see if that is behind the increase in muscle and joint pain. Given the non-improvement of the situation(s) that prompted me to ask for happy pills, he recommended I continue to take them for a while which might not be a bad idea since my co-workers last week said “I don’t know how you are handling all that so well.” The Doc said something similar. Therapy and happy pills. And a LOT of prayer. And whiny texts to Petra. lol
I brought up one of the issues tonight, and it got talked about. I disagree with the reasoning, but I understand. And so patience I must have.
Had to run to the dollar store because Chad wasn’t kidding when he said he was out of paper, and I needed a couple of things that are just so much cheaper there. I got him and Jamie both new notebooks, and as soon as I got back they both started in with “What did you get me?” Will they ever outgrow that? Anyway, I looked at them and said, “Pads. I got you both pads.”
I got a tablet last week. My early birthday/Christmas present from me to me.
And now I go to bed because I am tired. No video either, but I will leave with a pic of a gorgeous sunset last week. The photo does not do it justice at all.
stunning pic girly!!!…almost Tuesday…lol 🙂
Thank you Angel! So far Tuesday is Monday without the lubrication. lol 🙂
Sounds like a generally good appointment. Beautiful sunset pic!
Thank you Courtney! The pic really does pale in comparison to how that sunset actually looked. 🙂