I woke up with a raging case of brain fog. This after 10 hours of sleep. I was in bed just after 7 last night, and completely out by 8. I hit the snooze a few too many times this morning and so had to make a phone call on my way to work saying I was on my way. That always throws off my groove.
Thanksgiving ruined me. 5 pounds gained. Ugh.
So the Razorbacks were beating LSU, and then I stood in the living room for about 5-10 seconds waiting on my food to heat up in the microwave, and in those few seconds, LSU made the game-winning touchdown. This is why I am not a Hog fan.
On a good football note, the Morrilton Devil Dog football team is going to state. WooHOO! I found my old band jacket over the weekend, and I’m pretty sure once I clean it up, I’ll be wearing it until the game to support my old alma mater.
It mostly still fits. And someone needs to clean that mirror. 😉
Charlotte posted this on Facebook the other morning. Oh man. I am so having my doc test my magnesium level.
Jamie ate an entire ball of wasabi Saturday. It was both terrible and hilarious.
I ordered new running shoes. Finally. I hope they come in before this Saturday.
Speaking of Saturday’s 12k. So my knee decided to go out last week and I could barely get around Friday and Saturday, so there was no run this weekend. Nor was there any biking. So the 12k this Saturday is going to suck. But I was walk/crawl for a finisher’s medal. 😉
I played yesterday at church, and after that post last week getting my insecurity out in the open, I wasn’t really nervous yesterday. Oh I still screwed up chords and even managed a false start or 2 singing during the last service because I got lost, but it didn’t feel devastating. I also had a real good short talk with Bradford after the last service that filled in the missing gap in getting it all right in my head as far as confidence. I took a pic of the stage that morning. Because Christmas. 🙂
I was so exhausted last night when I got home. Which is why I went to bed so early. It was a good tired though.
And the tree has been found and brought in the house so perhaps this weekend it will go up.
lol@the music videos girl..and cute jacket!! Enjoy your day my friend!:-)
It amuses me that I lettered in band. lol 🙂
Hope your knee feels better soon! New shoes are the best!
Thanks! It didn’t hurt Sunday, and only a little bit yesterday. No pain today so far. I am definitely looking forward to the new shoes! 🙂