And another draft comes out of the hole. Although, I don’t think what I am about to write about is what I originally intended. Especially now that I remember what it was, but I only had a couple of sentences, so I can just let that go and start over whenever (or if ever) I decide to write about it. 😉
I have a little slightly irrelevant background. I got irked about something early in the summer or late spring. Whenever Pope Francis was chosen and announced. I don’t care enough to look up when that was exactly as it had little to do with him or Roman Catholicism. I got irked over landmarkism that I grew up in. I may have written about it before and how I came to realize it is actually a cult. But this isn’t really about landmarkism. It’s about not knowing what to do with my hands.
I’ve got a theory as to the reason why the churches I grew up in were so stoic when it came to singing. But I don’t really have much to back it up with, so I won’t go there. The fact remains that nothing was done with our hands while singing except holding a hymnal. There was no clapping, no hands raised, no foot tapping, and absolutely nothing that even remotely resembled dancing. Except for young kids who had motions to go along with the little kid songs. Oh, and the song leader (depending on his/her age) would use one hand to keep time while holding the hymnal in the other. Anything else was done by “holy rollers” and/or those who were “putting on a show.”
Now that I am not in that environment, I look at it totally different. I see hands raised, swaying, clapping, practically dancing, foot tapping (I do this a lot), and people just wide open when they sing. And I see people standing perfectly still as they sing. Since I’ve had the privilege to be onstage a lot the last few years, I see it all together with facial expressions and all. It is so wonderful to be able to see that.
Then there’s me. What do I do with my hands? Because that stigma is still rooted in me with what people will think if I go wide open. As if I am still among the churches I grew up in. I remember the first time I raised my hand. There was a part in a song I was leading that was acapella, and a long enough part to feel awkward. But I forced a hand up because it fit with the song. Sometimes I am fine with tapping my foot and “drumming” the pew in front of me. I don’t clap because it hurts my hands…and the hubs can’t keep time which throws me off. lol. But there are times during certain songs that I feel like raising my hands and getting all into it, and I am frustrated that I don’t feel comfortable doing it because of how I raised in church. It’s silly though. I’ve raised hands and gotten all into ball games and concerts. So I think I should feel comfortable doing it at church too.
We’ll see…
Interesting post. I was raised in a pretty traditional RC church with no hand-raising, and while I am not a regular church-goer, I know that I am uncomfortable in more charismatic churches with very open outwards expressions. I hope you can overcome your upbringing to be comfortable with something that is clearly very important to you. After all, it shouldn’t matter about the stigma. It’s between you and your faith and the man (woman/being/deity) upstairs. 🙂
I went to an RC church with my best friend in high school for a few months and it was definitely different from the baptist churches I grew up in. I was so fascinated by everything because there was just so much more going on. Also, with all the up and down and kneeling my butt didn’t hurt from sitting so long. 😉 But, yeah, it was pretty stoic too and maybe even moreso than the baptists. And yes, that is the key. It doesn’t matter what other people think. It is God that I am there to worship and not people’s opinions of me. 🙂
LOVE Bon Jovi 🙂
I’m pretty sure I could still since every word to every song on Slippery When Wet. lol