The Funday Friday’s have fallen quite a bit behind the Maniacal Mondays. I had something I was going to write about yesterday, but for the second time in the week, I got my day & date wrong.
1. Mixing up days. This past Sunday, the hubby checked the messages (finally) and told me that my dentist had called to confirm my appointment on the 26th. I’m thinking, ok, fine. I will call them tomorrow. At some point I looked at a calender and realized the 26th was Monday and not Tuesday. Eeek! So I called and left a message Sunday, and made the appointment just fine. I woke up Wednesday morning with a migraine, and soon realized in retrospect that I had gone to bed with it. :sigh: So there went a day of sick leave. Anyway, yesterday I got to work, and was going through doing my timesheet and morning checks and chatting when one of my co-workers asked, “Don’t you have an appointment this morning?” I looked at her funny and said, “No, it’s tomorrow, the 29th.” And then I looked at my workstation and dropped a bomb when I realized yesterday was the 29th. “Bye! I’ll see ya around lunch.” I was 15 min late, and might have exceeded the speed limit in multiple places. I also seemed to hit every long red light. But all is well. Told the doc the spot on my head he had given me stuff for was all cleared up but that I got glutened and the whole top of my scalp was still flared up though getting better. He asked, “What did you eat?” I answered, “Communion.” Then the look of shock where I followed with, “Yes. A crouton-sized piece of bread.” He is considering testing now since I seem to be pretty sensitive. But, I’ll save that for my annual physical which I think it is about time for.
2. Adventures in homeschooling. Already. Got a couple of the books in for English I. Not the curriculum, but the required novels. Jamie was all over the box, and when she pulled out the 2 books (which really didn’t match the huge box), she was like “Really?” “Yes, and those are Chad’s. Yours was a separate order.” So then the whining began. “Why did you pick these? Why can’t we pick the books?” My turn to say, “Really? You don’t get to choose what you read in public school either.” Still the whining continued and I was like, “Ok, fine. Read Tess of the D’Urbervilles. I’m still pissed off over that book. Read Beowolf in the original ancient English. Read The Canterbury Tales in the original Old English. Read Shakespeare.” That kind of stopped the whining. James added “Read Poe.” lol Anyway, Jamie popped off with “I’m on The Color Purple level.” I asked her if she’s read The Color Purple, and she said yes, so I asked her if she’d seen the movie. “There’s a movie?” Yes, and I have it. Chad: “Isn’t Whoopi Goldberg in that?” Me: “Yes, and Oprah Winfrey.” Yeah, we’ll be watching that, and I am sure I will meltdown into a messy puddle just like every time I’ve ever watched it.
3. Running. I ran Tuesday night with the Tribe. And then went to an Al-Anon meeting all wet and stinky. lol I didn’t run Wednesday thanks to the migraine, and yesterday, I opted to finish mowing the front yard. Remember, I broke the riding mower so I push mowed the rest of the front yard. Oh my word. I had sweat running into my eyes, and I am pretty sore today. 18 tomorrow… :-/
4. Coffee. So I am standing in line in Starbucks this morning surprised that there was a line given the 4 day weekend for the military, and I realized I left my refillable cup in the car. No, I didn’t go back for it. It wasn’t worth the 65¢ difference. And Wilson Phillips was playing when I left. I don’t know why that put a smile on my face.
5. YouTube & enemas. Opal had a post up the other day: Cleansing update: Garlic enemas which I saw shortly after a small discussion on something I posted on Facebook where she mentioned enemas and I was all “EXIT ONLY!” I have had 1 enema a few hours prior to surgery for a ruptured appendix follow by 2 or 3 days of suppositories because I couldn’t eat or drink anything until I passed gas. But I digress. Anyway, so when I read her post, I watched the video she included, and so when I just went to YouTube, there was a video about enemas in my suggested list. From watching one video. lol And, yes, I am now actually considering it over the candida battle. #everybodypoops
6. Cats. Tiger is no needy and clingy. Sushi seems to be afraid of her own shadow. But let me sit down to eat, and they are both going to try their best to get up in my plate or bowl. Worse than the dogs.
7. Someday. Someday, I’m going to write a book.
1. How’s senility treating you?
2. I still have nightmares of struggling to concentrate on Beowulf in the old English!!! And Shakespeare – Macbeth was the only one that didn’t make me want to shoot myself. And I’ve never seen The Color Purple.
5. I still haven’t watched those videos. I think you should try it though. Lol
Love the YouTube video! Ah, the days of yore.
1. It’s big fun. 😉
2. I gave up on Beowulf in high school. I have a translated copy that I intend to read at some point so I know what it’s about. lol I think Hamlet was the only one I actually “got.” You’ve never seen The Color Purple??? I saw it in theater with no idea what it was about when I went in. lol
5. You really should! You know you should ALWAYS watch any videos I recommend. 😉
Oh, man, I love those old vids of the Dean Martin roasts.
If you try them, hopefully you’ll see that they aren’t bad at all. These days I’m done in five minutes or less. With retention enemas aka implants, I just come back in about fifteen minutes and do what’s needed. If you do get an enema bag, I’d recommend the ones that are open, that way you can do a thorough job of cleaning the bag. I was turned off by the screw tops, years ago I had one, because I can’t see inside the bag while I was cleaning. I also opted for the 4 qt. while I don’t always use that amount, it’s a nice option to have.
I rarely have menstrual cramps but I know a few of my friends said that they experienced relief using those before and during their menstrual cycle.
I’ve seen the movie The Color Purple several times. It’s a great movie.
Well nothing else has worked for the candida issues so… And I told Petra I would try it first which is the second time this week I have caved to her. But she has to get a tattoo first. lol
I don’t usually have bad cramps anymore. But that’s another story for a less public place. 😉
I love The Color Purple! The movie. The book was a bit too “explicit” for me as a teenager.