I came up with this theme in order to talk about healthy eating primarily. I’ve been pretty focused for the last couple of years on the physical aspects of a healthy lifestyle while putting perhaps not so much on mental health. That said, this post isn’t really going to be dealing much with either exactly. But it is in a way because my kids have issues. Our family has issues.
My daughter, the firstborn, my MiniMe, failed the 9th grade then 10th grade twice. My son should have failed at least 2 grades in middle school, but scored high on EOGs and so got promoted. He failed 9th grade last year. They are both smart kids who always blew away the EOG’s and pretty much any standardized test they were given. But remember I said our family has issues.
Our daughter wanted to drop out the entire year last year. It was a year long fight to keep her in school. She has social problems that are getting worse the older she gets. And yes, she will be going to counseling. But, I realized last school year that the only way we would ever get her to graduate high school was to homeschool.
Our son liked school, but he is ADHD and hasn’t done homework since early middle school. And that was a huge fight. I told him that wouldn’t fly in high school, but he did it anyway. He had the choice of going back to public school or homeschool, and he decided (last minute) on homeschool. He was in counseling for much of the last school year. And still has counseling pending for his diversion plan. Maybe.
Now this is not going to be a rant about the public school system. Nor is it a rave about homeschooling. I had to make a choice, and this seems to be the best choice for us. Curriculum has been acquired/purchased. Filing system created. Paperwork in order. Grade recording system still pending, but really, how hard can that be, right? Seriously, I have an idea and it will likely be tweaked as the year progresses. We’re starting the day after Labor Day because I am waiting on my last minute purchase to come in.
Am I nervous? Yes. I am so afraid this will turn out worse than it already has. Attendance won’t be so much of an issue because, um, they live at school now. They don’t have to deal with other kids. There won’t be any fire alarms to pull. We can separate them in way that we can still keep an eye on them. And so this could work, or it could be an epic fail. We’ll see…
I’m praying it will be a great decision for everyone. Curious as to which curriculum you chose and if you are using the same for both kids?
I chose A.C.E. for both, but I will have to use another for Spanish because A.C.E only has Spanish I (or French I). Jamie needs Spanish II and so I might as well do the same curriculum for both when Chad retakes Spanish I.
I’ll definitely keep you and your family in my prayers.
Are you going to connect with other homeschoolers in your area? Homeschooling has come a long way from what I remember in the 1970s. I wasn’t homeschooled, but in elementary school/middle school my brother and I did attend a small school. I believe there were forty in the entire school. Yes from kindergarten to Grade 12. 🙂 The school used the PACE program, which is a curriculum used by homeschoolers.
Thank you Opal! 🙂
I have a few friends who homeschool and that may be the extent of my networking. 😉 One of them has given me most of the curriculum I’m using as she is only homeschooling 2 of her younger kids now. Anyway it is a self-paced curriculum broken down into what they call “paces.”
Paces, sounds exactly what was used at our school.
I meant to type the ACE program. Their motto was “Learn at your own pace!” 😉
Best of luck. Education, and the associated methods, are so personal. I don’t think there is a one size fits all solution, and it sounds like you’re making the best decision for your kids. Ultimately, that’s what’s most important. :hug: It’s going to be wonderful.
Thanks! 🙂 Yes, and now they won’t have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn to get on the bus. That’s another plus! 😉
I actually read a blog post! I’m so behind on life. lol. I hope it all goes well! I can send you my grading system, if I remember. 🙂
And Opal – I went to similar schools as a child, and we used the ACE program as well (which is the same one that Martha is using).
And I’ve been blogging like crazy too. Well, ok maybe not so much. lol