1. How to know you are tired: Friday night I went to bed, and I remember lying down. The hubby was reading, and the next thing I knew, the alarm was going off. Not only do I not remember him turning the light off, I don’t remember him getting up and leaving around 4am-ish.
2. We saw The Avengers Saturday. Nearly everyone I know who had seen it already raved about it. I liked it a lot, but I don’t know that I could really rave about how good it was. I do recommend it, however. It was worth the admission price, and even worth having to sit right beside a total stranger. Yes, I was thinking, “With all the open seats in here, you have to sit right beside me?” I have issues. Anyway, my favorite line was “Clench it up, Legolas!” I was the only one of us who caught the Legolas reference. It probably wouldn’t have been quite so funny for me if I hadn’t been thinking the whole time that Loki looked like Grima Wormtongue. Second favorite line was from the Hulk. “Puny god.”
3. Introduced the hubby to Angelina’s Kitchen Saturday. He loved the Greek salad & falafel.
4. Attempted and failed to replace the deck belt on the mower. Though I guess I could technically consider removing the old one a success, but really, I just cut it and pulled it out. I guess it might have been easier if I had taken the deck off, but that was going to prove to be entirely too much effort. However, it may turn out to be unavoidable.
5. Ran again Saturday. I’ve been working on different form – trying to incorporate what my first TI tried to teach me, and lean forward. I seem to be able to run a little bit (just a little bit) faster, and a little bit farther. I could tell I was using different muscles and dealt with my left calf cramping Sunday & my right shin twinging today. I think both have calmed down enough to run this evening. I still have a love/hate relationship with running. I have to make myself do it, I hate it the whole time I am running, but I feel fantastic after…once I can breathe and am not puking… 😉 And maybe, just maybe, I will get built up enough to be able to run farther than a mile. lol
6. I feel so blessed to know 4 missionary couples, plus a young woman who fresh out of high school left for the mission field with one of those 4 couples. I could write a whole post on that, but not at work because I would end up crying. 😉 But I can’t tell you how hard it was to get up after hearing my friend Karyn speak about her call to the mission field and try to sing this:
I may or may not have almost broke down…multiple times… 😉
I thoroughly enjoyed The Avengers, but it was definitely not the greatest movie of all time by any stretch of the imagination. I think you waited too long, and it had been hyped up too much by the time you saw it. 🙂
Mmmmm… Angelina’s Kitchen!
Our mower has issues too.
Britta will be returning in a couple weeks! And then she’ll be a missionary in Greensboro for a few years. God has really blessed us with her!
I would have loved to hear Karyn’s testimony!!!
There was a video to immediately follow her speech, but it wasn’t loading, so we only saw the beginning of it, and Joe nixed it. I have been trying to find it on YouTube… 😉
Have to agree with Petra. Avengers was good but not nearly the best movie ever or anything. I guess the hype was overdone a bit. I did enjoy it a lot but it seemed like there wasn’t a lot for it to compete with at the time it came out either. I think I mainly liked it because of the scene where Hulk was thrashing Loki around like a rag doll. I don’t know why I loved that so much – shock value I guess. LOL. I like these type of posts that you do that give us little tidbits of how your week has been going. 🙂
I shamelessly stole the “list post” idea from Petra. lol
I enjoyed that scene with the Hulk and Loki too. 🙂