This might even have been a post with substance if I wasn’t so tired. But alas. I am only even putting up a post so I don’t miss a day of NaBloPoMo.
First, I am going to share some things I find amusing. Like my WoW character. Her name is on the pic, but I call her Fartfancy.
A few funny (to my 12 year old sense of humor) interactions have happened within the game.
My first guild, Gay Lady Coven. It was mostly guys. I think I was 3rd female. Also I am significantly older than all of them, one of them being Chad.
We are Midnight Court now. I pretty much do nothing with them, and am more of a novelty being “Clock’s mom.” Also since starting school, ain’t nobody got time for WoW. But I have several quests I need to do that are dungeons so I will have to stay up ungodly late sometime and do those with the guild. Assuming any of them are still playing.
This should be my next tattoo:
Except saying “Drop the rock.”
I found this pretty funny: