At the beginning of the year I made a list of goals for 2013. Now that the year is almost up, I thought I would recap. Because I need a topic that can allow me to be a little ADHD. 😉
Goal 1: Learn to rest
This didn’t turn out the way I originally intended. Meaning, I really didn’t know what kind of rest I needed, just that I needed rest. It took me nearly the whole year to finally comprehend (actual meaning – surrender) how I needed to rest.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10a, ESV)
I was carrying burdens that weren’t mine to carry, some of which I have been carrying since I was a kid. Once I figured that out, and went through painful process of understanding what are my responsibilities and what belong to others that I have been taking on, it has been a lot easier to chill out. It took a lot of prayer, psalms, texts, therapy, Al-Anon meetings, and happy pills to get to this point. It is still a work in progress.
Goal 2: 13 races in 2013
This was met and exceeded! I did 14 races, and so signed up for 14 next year. I have a plan to do a race recap post sometime before the end of the year.
Goal 3: Crochet
I need a lot of practice yet with this one. However, I tried my hand at knitting and it is just so much easier for me than crochet. I finished a scarf for Chad, and have (twice) started a scarf for Jamie.
Goal 4: Pushups
Fail. I know there is still time to at least do one, but whatevs. I did a 30 day plank challenge in July, and barely managed that with all the drama.
Goal 5: Make my marriage and family priority
This has been both a win and an epic fail. I won’t go into great detail (though it’s mentioned in Goal 1 and I have blogged about it off and on), but it has absolutely been the biggest area of personal growth for me, and it was/is absolutely painful growth.
Goal 6: Journal every day
Yeah, no. I did ok, and then slacked of after a couple of months. But then I started blogging more and putting a lot of junk out on the blog that normally would be in a journal, so there’s that. 😉
Goal 7: Eat healthy
I have been on and off this wagon. Eh. Another ongoing work in progress.
Will I make another list of goals for 2014?
Maybe. If I do they will be more measurable. Like finishing Jamie’s scarf. 😉
I would say not a terrible summation of the year! And making measurable goals is always a good idea. 😉
I manage to remember to make goals measurable when it comes to goals at work, but life? Not so much. 😉