“…I may be crazy…”
I finally did this. Molly tried to get me to just upload and post the audio when I was complaining about the 3 hours it was taking to transcibe the 52 min of audio. That ain’t happening. Though it was slightly entertaining to notice my hillbilly accent thicken up as I got increasingly tired. There was entirely too much really loud heavy breathing. 😉 Anyway, everything in italics are comments/thoughts I added in during transcription. I mumbled any time I was around houses where I thought someone might hear me “talking to myself.”
I used the Nike+ app on my iPod, so any reference to kilometers came from that….as well as references to my running playlist not being random…
…. is already hurting. This is gonna suck.
Ok, maybe this isn’t too bad.
rooster crows – seriously…
I don’t think Nike puts this on random
rooster crows again….
Rooster down. hahaha
rooster crows again…
Crap. no idea why I said crap…was all a mumble…as I was gasping for air
This hat’s going to irritate the crap out of me.
Oh yeah, that’s definitely not random. Oh, well, at least I’m getting the Sugababes out of the way now. That means all the Paula will be together. Maybe.
Holy crap, I can’t believe I’m still running.
Where am I gonna get…. another mumble…but I was thinking about lunch… There is no way I am gonna get groceries hungry. Unless I get back and make pancakes, there isn’t… mumble…clearly I can’t properly talk when I’m gasping for breath.. Except they’ll be crappy later. They always suck warmed up. I mean it’s not like they have the greatest texture to begin with. I mean you gotta pour like half the bottle of maple syrup on it …mumble more about the texture of warmed over gluten free pancakes… make it kind of feel like real bread. I miss gluten.
You know, if I’d put my pony tail higher, this hat wouldn’t be a problem.
I love these shoes. My ankles aren’t hurting at all.
I really need to learn the names of our neighbors. I can’t name anybody off for a milestone until I get to the Webster’s.
Hills suck! it wasn’t a steep one either.
Ok, the inhaler does help. I’m out of breath, but I can exhale. Definitely will use the inhaler first before I run. Maybe I should do it at least an hour prior. Though today it was almost 2 hours since I sat downstairs talking.
1k finished, my butt! Oh, I don’t know. It’s possible. I mean I am getting sort of close to the 1 mile mark
Crap! That car’s coming this way. Not that that’s a car. It’s a Suburban. Don’t trip. Running in the ditch sucks. Ok, shoulder, but still. It might as well be the ditch. It’s not smooth.
Pace yourself. Get your breath. mumble… the hill. If you can make it up that hill. Gotta get to Asbury Church before it’s a mile.
Dammit another car. Dang, another one. What the heck? That practically was the ditch. there is almost no shoulder along this stretch
Holy crap! I think I’m going to make it up the hill! Oh, it burns. that would be my lungs Ok, now I want to vomit. Come on. Get to Asbury Church. You can make it. A few more feet. And don’t puke. Alright! You did it! You made a mile. Walk fast. Breathe. That’s not fast.
All these people mowing. Wish someone would mow my yard. Or even put the belt back on the blades.
Ugh, don’t puke. Don’t puke.
Walk fast. Walk fast. You’re not walking fast. You’re not walking fast at all. Double time! That’s so stupid. Nobody says “march.” They always say “harch.” That’s retarded. Yeah, that’s right, I said “retarded.” Bite me. clearly, I had some anger…
Up this hill. Down that little hill. And back up. Then round the curve. You should have your breath back enough to run.
Oh, look. He’s plowing. Squirrel! – lol He should do my yard. I need somebody to till me a plot. I don’t need a tractor to do it though. I still need a bigger tiller, though, than what I’ve got. Maybe I should listen to Karyn and see if I can borrow Gerald’s tiller.
Dad gum. It’s hot now.
I need to start taking that Claritin again. Get whatever’s in my throat out. I know it’s allergies.
Dad gum. Uphill again. Alright to the curve. Start running again. Try to make it to the community building. That’s the halfway mark. That’s close enough. Go.
This isn’t so bad.
Yeah, these shoes rock.
2 kilometers? I don’t think so. I don’t think this thing accounts for when I walk. Definitely gotta remember to calibrate it. If I can remember where the actual 3K mark is. it was all visual. Can’t describe…
This is really starting to suck. I may not make it to the community building. I may not make it to that next curve. I may not make it to the fire hydrant. that was really close…
I know I sure as heck don’t want to take that trash to the dump.
You know, I don’t know that I could really call this runnin’. Then again, it’s what I did in basic. And I was a lot younger then. And skinnier, too. should have said that as “and skinny”…lol I had good shoes though. They were ugly.
Why does my nose gotta run?
And why is it always windy on this road when it’s cold? there was no wind blowing
Alright, that next mailbox. I know, that’s the beginning of the curve. Whatever. Then again, I am recording this so I can’t use the “nobody’s gonna know it” excuse. Exactly. Sort of, I can’t. But it’s not like anybody else knows I’m recording. Yeah, screw it. Driveway. Walk it out. Walk it fast. Keep the time with the song. It’s a good pace.
Ok, it might be halfway for the 5k, but it’s not halfway for the whole 3.4 mile route.
Sun’s out. Yeah, great thinking wearing black. Huh. How ironic. Song from Twister; you’re wearing a hat from Twister.
Nothing hurts. That’s good! yet… Must be the shoes. Ought to, they cost enough. I never dreamed I would pay a hunnerd (yes I totally pronounced it just like that) bucks for a pair of shoes. Ok, I didn’t. The hubster did.
Oh, man, I lost my time. Oh, no that’s not me, that’s Alex. (Van Halen) He changed the timing. There we go. Well ok, he didn’t change it. Eddie did. Or, no, maybe it’s me. Solos are so indulgent. heh. that thought was not getting spoken…
Oh look. A drum. squirrel? lol I was at the community building, door was open, and clearly set up for a band to play. Oh, looks like they’re gonna grill. Can’t read the sign though. But, that’s halfway. Halfway for 3.4 miles. up this hill, past the trailer, then it’s all downhill ’til you get past the church.
started singing Humans Being….badly… No wonder the kids have fits when I sing along with the radio… lol
Ok, someone’s in the yard. Quit talking so you don’t look like a crazy.
Caterpiller! yes, that’s how I said it
Ugh. Cramp. something about the slant of the road.
Started singing Love is a Battlefield…not quite as badly as Humans Being…
Alright. Almost at the top of the hill. To the driveway & then run again. Oh yay. Yippee. Just keep on walking fast. 2K to go. It’ll feel good when it’s done.
Oh… Ok. Right hip hurts. Lovely. I wonder if that’s because one of my legs is significantly longer than the other. Quarter to half inch longer. that shouldn’t matter given the way I’m running and the slant of the road. Then again, I’m used to leaning the other way. So it would put more pressure on it.
Dad gum. That hurts.
I hope that car turns. Oh man, there’s people at the church.
That hip’s not getting any better. mumbled something O crap, car.
Get down the hill. Bottom of the hill, cross the creek, to the driveway, then you can walk.
Stupid hat.
Eh, that’s close enough. Why nitpick over 2 feet. Oh, I may vomit. Car. That’d be fun. visualized puking as the car passed. Why is that dude holding a piece of paper in front of this face? I say dude like I can tell. Full sheet of paper while you’re driving? Up in front of your face?
1 kilometer to go. That sounds about right. maybe.
Huh. This hill doesn’t really seem so steep. That’s ‘cuz it’s not as steep as the other one. over by the Webster’s.
Definitely turn on the ac when I get home. And pee. what the heck?? If you make it.
Oh, Foo Fighters. Why don’t I have more Foo Fighters? started singing Monkey Wrench almost as badly as Humans Being. Nirvana still sucks. Just sayin’.
Man. Can’t wait to take that motrin. Can’t wait for that motrin to kick in after I take it.
I wonder if this thing’s gonna hit 3k before I hit 3.1 (miles). It does seem better than it was at the polo field. the Nike+ calibration
Kids playing in the yard, so quit talking to yourself. They’ll sure ’nuff think you’re crazy.
Car…look up… Yeah, I was looking down at the road…the narrow road…then looked up and saw a car way too close for my comfort level…
sang the end of Monkey Wrench…
Man that hurts.
Heh. Love Shack. Don’t sing it. Don’t sing it.
You’re almost to the 5k. Just past the chicken houses. 400 meters to go. huh. That’s a little short.
Oh, god, you’re doing that arm swing.
300 meters. I don’t know, it’s gonna be close. Alrighty, just past the chicken houses. 100 meters. That puts me up close to this house. That’s about right.
That’s a little short. Crap! I’m going to have to finish this up without music! I ended the workout on the iPod before I meant to Oh well. I’m not going to make it in under 45 either.
Start running at the driveway.
mumbly discussion about whether the marks on the road were 10° or 10′ deciding on 10′ making more sense.
Dang I gotta pee!
Crap! Car. Running on the shoulder sucks!
Almost there….
I may or may not ever do this again. The voice recorder I used was a lot more sensitive than I was expecting. Seriously, I could hear birds chirping. I noted the 3 rooster crows when I transcribed. I only remember hearing a rooster crow once while I was running.
That was great! And also disturbing — because it just confirmed to me that I’m more insane than originally thought… No way can I transcribe my actual thoughts… I might be committed after posting. Your thoughts seem so ‘normal’.
You have no idea how forced this was, and how I had to kind of direct my thoughts. Seriously, most of the audio was just heavy breathing. lol
I blogged my thoughts a couple times. Once in a store and once in the car. lol
I should do a shopping “live blog” sometime. LOL Wait, or not. My shopping rage often approaches my road rage levels. 😉
All I’m gonna say is that you talk a lot. And that you got me with just the title and 1st line in the post. >:(
Petra got me with that song on Facebook last week. :violin:
Okay – send the device to me along with power berries and I will let you know what my run is like 🙂
I totally want some powerberries now…