Because it is lame.
What do you think of 3D movies?
I think for the most part they suck. The glasses make my eyes feel like they are crossing and I can still see the red and green, and saw more realistic 3D from holograms at Silver Dollar City when I was 8.
Guess I’m too old for 3-D. The glasses just give me a headache. HD in 2D is plenty for me!
I’ve seen HD walking through Walmart’s electronics. LOL
Hmm. They don’t do Blue Red anymore.
or red green….
I love Red Green! 😆
Blue, green, whatever. LOL
Last movie I saw in 3D was Spy Kids 3. The only redeeming factor for the movie was Grandfather Khan. :cheesy:
Red Green :cheers:
They do suck and it’s getting out of hand.
I think maybe I am just still so grateful for color tv larger than 12″ and a remote rather than a pair of pliers on the broken knob.
I just showed my age didn’t I…
I *was* the remote for the TV when I was a kid. We were a very modern family, we got a color TV when I was 11.
Change the channel. Adjust the volume. Keep your hands off the color adjustment!
There are very few movies that actually are better in the 3-D format than in a regular format. I couldn’t watch Avatar in 3-D because it just had too much going on in the way of color and scenery and I know that I would have gotten sick, which would totally make going to a movie for entertainment a real waste of time. It just seems like a bad trend right now and a way to get a few more dollars out of us to “rent” those stupid glasses at the movie theaters.
I still haven’t seen Avatar, 3D or otherwise. lol I didn’t even consider the possibility of getting sick with all the stuff going on. Hmmm…
Yeah, 3D sucks…and it’s becoming all too prevalent these days. At least in most cases you still have the 2D option. Hopefully that doesn’t end. I would hate to see where the only choice you have is to see the movie in 3D.
Call me old-fashioned, but I am just fine with 2D. I’m with you that 3D is too prevalent. Overexposure, for sure.