I figured I would put up my reading list. Some of these have some explanation like why I started reading it, but haven’t finished it yet.
This was a study we did at church with the “young” women. I quote the word “young” because I was the old head in the group. The rest of the ladies are young. 😉 Anyway, we only got up to a point and the class has been put on hold, and I figured I’d go ahead and finish the book even though I was at least 75% through it. Will likely be finished tonight.
I was actively reading this, but wasn’t half way. Hit the halfway mark last night.
I don’t pass up a freebie, and I got this as a free Kindle download. No, I don’t have a Kindle or a Nook, but I have the Kindle and Nook apps on my pc. I got through 2 chapters, and wasn’t finding it overly interesting compared to, oh, spider solitaire.
This is actually 3 books in one. I’ve already read Chosen by God, so that makes me 1/3 finished with this, and it’s the 2nd book.
I started this and have no idea why I put it aside.
I read Bringing up Girls, and it was pretty interesting read. I was having a hard time getting into this one, and sat it aside.
I kept waiting for this one to get easier to read.
Interesting, but technical. I put this one aside when I went back to grad school. About 75% through it also.
Interesting, but a hard read.
I bought this on my fail vacation last summer.
I am 99% sure I have read this book. I read one of her books when I was around 12, and this title sounds more familiar than The Hiding Place.
This isn’t officially on my 20 by Easter reading list. However, since I never got around to reading this (grad school), and it’s actually 5 books in one volume, I am putting it up as backup in case I can’t manage one or more of the above books.
The more I look at my list, the more I think I should have left the challenge at 10 books in March.