I thought I would list out the books I read this year and comment on each of them. I am writing this intro after the fact and realizing that perhaps I should keep a reading journal because I’ll read a book and forget what I read. Absent from this list are 6 daily meditation books, and no I don’t read all 6 every day. Just 4 of them.
1. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
Since I’ve already outed myself as an alcoholic… Funny story, though. This past Sunday after church, I was having a problem unlocking all the doors of the car and so the hubby spent a few seconds waiting on me. He noticed my big book laying in the back seat for everyone to see and said, “Well, that’s bold.” And it’s still laying there in my back seat for the world to see.
2. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
I read through it, and then when I actually started working the steps, I went through the twelve steps portion again.
3. Jesus + Nothing = Everything
I think it was Chapter 11 that really clicked for me.
4. Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts
I had some serious trust issues.
5. Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest
I don’t remember much, but I remember ordering a copy for Petra. I also remember it stepping on my toes over something.
6. A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God’s Sovereignty
I read Joni’s autobiography when I was a kid probably 12. This one made no less of an impact.
7. The Pastor’s Kid: Finding Your Own Faith and Identity
This explained so much about part of why I am the way I am. Because really, there isn’t much difference between a pastor’s kid and a deacon’s kid.
8. Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free
This really spoke to me about my idols and addiction.
9. Drop The Rock: Removing Character Defects – Steps Six and Seven
This book was a gift to me. A wonderful gift.
10. The Hunter’s Blades Collector’s Edition
I finally finished the 3rd book. It left me hanging.
11. Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
I had read this several years ago, but I don’t think it sunk in the first time. It was as if I had never read it, but it might be that I was just reading with different eyes this time having actually been in 12 step recovery. Unlike the first time.
So Petra added me to a book club that she and Andrea created on Facebook. This was the second book. I didn’t even attempt the first one as I had zero interest. But, this was pretty good.
13. Adult Children of Alcoholics: Expanded Edition
Either late last year or early this year I got a meditation book at Al-Anon that is really geared more toward adult children of alcoholics. As I read the daily meditations, I thought, “My dad acted just like an alcoholic.” Only he didn’t drink. He tried when he was young, but he said it didn’t do for him what he wanted it to. Anyway, I have all the characteristics of an adult child because my home growing up was every bit as dysfunctional as if there was an active alcoholic in it.
14. Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness and Rejection
I just finished this last night, and I read 3 books between starting and finishing this.
I have no reading goals for next year, though I would like to finally finish the ones I have started. We’ll see.
hey honey!..what a beautiful list u have here! :whistle:
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! big hugzzzzzzzzzzzzz! xoxoxoxox
i have approximately 20 books on my nightstand waiting to be read. Come watch the girls for me for a week, or a month, so I can catch up on reading. 😉
Don’t you have older children who can do that? 😉
Oh man! Yeah, but they’re busy or something. Britta has been in Greensboro all week, and I’ve had to wake up the little girls every morning to go with me to drive kids to Southern Pines. I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday! And of course I had appointments scheduled for 4 of the 5 days this week. :violin:
Fun times. :coffee: