Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Been there done that. Still do it. But some other things have occurred to me lately that expand on that. One glaring thing has been my obsessive need to control everyone and everything around me in an attempt to maintain my protective comfort zone bubble. That bubble burst last summer, and I have to remind myself sometimes every few minutes that I can’t put it back together. Nor should I even try.
Another aspect of that is perfectionism. Or better yet, perfectionism on top of thinking you can and/or have to do everything. That’s another bubble of mine that burst last summer and almost got me and Jamie arrested. Ok, that’s an exaggeration. (Why must I look up that word to spell it correctly? Every.Single.Time?) It would just have been a ticket. And I should tell that story sometime. Anyway, point is, it is not weakness to need help. You can’t do everything, and you can’t do everything perfectly.
I actually clicked on both of those videos. Great example of not doing things perfect every time. Lol. And I now know why I’ve always avoided listening to Lyndsay Buckingham. Haha!
LINDSEY. One y. And there is a reason why he is known as the “resident weirdo” of Fleetwood Mac, and that’s saying something. 😉 He is an awesome guitarist though. 🙂
I wrote that last week, and that’s as far as I got. I just said screw it and published it like that. lol!
Also, I can’t believe you actually watched both videos! 😯
Haha! I didn’t say I made it all the way through both videos! I watched about half the first one and a few random seconds of the second one. That’s all I could handle. Ha!
Both wonderful Lindsey songs!!! What an influence in music history! He really is a genius in my book 🙂
BUT you gotta LOVE those 80s videos for how silly they are, too! LOL
I love me some Lindsey Buckingham! And yeah, his videos are out there, but the 80’s ones were the most out there. 🙂