1. I finished this virtual 5k Wednesday night:
I can’t properly describe how much I wanted to quit before I finished the first lap. It was 88º at 7:30PM when I started stretching. I probably stretched for about 10 minutes making sure I stretched out everything before starting so that I wouldn’t have the fail that I did during the Tribe run Tuesday night. I kept having to remind myself I had not only ran that distance and route before, but that I had run farther, and so “JUST KEEP MOVING!” My time was 37:42. Not bad. 12:09 pace. I am happy with that…for now. 😉
2. Three.Freaking.Weeks. :dlstrike:
3. Still hates flying.
4. Crazy cravings yesterday.
5. Watched Maude recently and totally understands now why my mom hated it. lol
I can’t come up with anything else, so…
I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?