1. Why don’t I find any raw meats as disgusting to touch as raw chicken? Granted, I cooked 6 chicken breasts the other day, and had to physically touch 6 pieces of raw chicken, and it wasn’t as gross as if it still had the skin, but still.
2. I have developed a love of cooking which I still hate it. It’s a lot like running. I like it once I start doing it, but getting started…
3. Speaking of running, I always hated running when I was growing up and especially when I was in the military. How on earth did I start liking it once I got in my 40’s?
4. Whole Foods Market. I made my first trip there last week because it was the only place I could find chia seeds. Oh my. I normally go to Chatham Marketplace which my son calls “the organic store.” They sell grains, beans, nuts, etc in bulk, and that’s where I’ve gotten my quinoa & amaranth. WH bulk section is at least 3 times the size of CM. I was almost overwhelmed.
5. Eating healthy. I knew this challenge was going to hurt. I had a headache for 5 days straight, and my legs ached for another 3 days after that. I broke out twice. And just as my body seems to be chilling out, the cravings have started up again. *sigh*
6. Now that the hubby is working, and we work opposite shifts, there really isn’t enough hours in the day.
7. Needs the heater core fixed/replaced in the Neon. Who wants to volunteer to pay for that?
8. Cheese. Why must I have to pay physically for consuming your yumminess?
I used to run every place I went when I was young – Now, not so much. I’d be luck to walk next door without losing my breath. I’m out of shape – I know that.
I would eat healthier, if it weren’t so expensive to.
I didn’t do that much running when I was younger. I would do sprints from time to time, but I would get winded just running to the end of the block back then even. haha
Depending on what you get, it isn’t terribly expensive…except for meats. yikes! I don’t even want to talk about how expensive it is for organic, or adding on special diet on top of that like gluten free. I read an article by a Canadian woman who feeds a family of 5 off $250/month. I spend more than that for myself for 2 weeks. :whatever:
Sure, when you have a Family of 5. But if your a bachelor, and veggies that aren’t frozen rot before you use them up. So that’s another thing too.
True. And I’m pretty sure that I’ve got some that need to go because I got lazy.
A guy from work did a presentation this week that has a military tie-in (he’s a Major in the National Guard), and he told us about a man from Afghanistan who only makes $7/week that somehow feeds an extended family of 11 people. Man, I spend half of that on a single morning stop at Dunkin’ Donuts. Now, I feel like sh*t, especially since it isn’t even good for me. At least if it was something healthy from Whole Foods, I wouldn’t feel so guilty.
I couldn’t even tell you how much I spend a month on regular grocery store food, let alone with the addition of what I spend eating out. I’m afraid to really stop and calculate it 😮
I can’t imagine feeding 11 on $7/day.
1 – I am the same way.
2 – exactly.
3 – I used to say I would only ran if being chased.
4 – I miss whole foods 🙁
5 – headache is on day #4
6 – bummer
7 – not me
8 – nasty….
3. Same here. Or if I was chasing one of my children – namely Chad because he was the one who could break loose as soon as we got out the door of the cdc and take off toward the street.
8. Which? The cheese or what it does to me? :cheesy:
I totally missed this when you posted it! Serves me right for counting on Facebook to tell me about posts instead of using my google reader! 🙂
Oh man – spent $128 at Whole Foods tonight and only got like six things! Vitamins though… When you want gluten-free & all-natural, you have to pay for it. And I did get my vitamins PLUS 3 months worth of vitamins and pro-biotics to send to Britta. Still… lol
Cheese – yeah, I hear ya! lol
Cars… we just got all new tires for mine plus some much needed maintenance. Drives so much better and I’m not so concerned about treadless tires randomly falling off while I’m on the interstate – but man, that was expensive!!
Handling raw poultry doesn’t bother me, oddly enough.
HAHA! I solely rely on google reader for blog updates because Facebook doesn’t always show all the status updates even when I specifically select show all.
Eeek! I spent over $200 at Chatham Marketplace Friday night. That hurt, but I didn’t have to drive to Cary. Except I had to go Saturday because I had to go to Tarjhay, and since I was so close I went ahead and hit Trader Joes. *sigh*
Oh, yeah, James needs new tires on the truck. So that nice check we just got from Allstate…
I handled 12 raw bone-in skin-on chicken thighs last night and it didn’t really bother me. Odd…