Back when I was in college at UCA, there was a particular English professor who smoked a pipe and for the life of me I can’t remember his name. I can’t even blame it on not being in any of his classes either because I still can’t remember my Comp II professor’s name, and I had to look up my Lit I professor’s name. Anyway, I can remember walking through the old Irby Hall just to pass by his office and smell his pipe.
Back in those days, I was a cigarette smoker. I quit smoking cigarettes about 11 years ago, and never really lost the desire to smoke. Well, a couple weeks ago I had a massive craving that lasted longer than a couple hours. But before it was really over, I started thinking about a pipe. So I told the hubby I was thinking about smoking a pipe. He said, “You can’t smoke a pipe and look pretty.” I can’t be 40 pounds overweight and look pretty either, so that’s not an issue for me. 😉 So I said, “Well, then I’ll get a corncob pipe.”
I went to the tobacco store this morning after a corncob pipe. All they had was mini corncob pipes, and the guy even complained that they kept getting sent those mini-pipes when no one wants them. So instead I got a cool looking (my opinion) wooden one.
I grabbed a bag of Cherry Cavendish pipe tobacco and it smells just like what that English professor smoked.
It is definitely not the same as smoking a cigarette, even though I am not inhaling it. Even without inhaling it made me a little nauseous. Methinks I need a filter. And I don’t care how redneck/hillbilly it is, I likes my pipe.
You crack me up! Ugh, i never tried to smoke a pipe, but I, unlike you, always got sick just from the smell and hated it when my grandpa smoked his.
Aw, that’s too bad that the smell made you sick.
Bleck!!! Gross.
I would be keeping my distance from you. :puke:
I’ve always wanted one of those Sherlock Holmes style pipes. One of these years I probably will break down and buy one and learn how to smoke it.
I’ve never smoked cigarrettes, but I do enjoy a good cigar every now and then. I’m not what you would call a smoker by any stretch, but probably once or twice a year, I’ll have a fine cigar. My particular poison is a Cohiba, especially the dark full-bodied variety. The price helps ensure I only do it once or twice a year, as the kind I enjoy generally run around $30 a cigar.
I’ve tried Swisher Sweets and Middleton Black & Milds, and I like them both. One of my friends gave me one of his Cubans when we were in England, and I remember thinking it smelled like butt, as in the anal orafice. And then I forgot what I was smoking and inhaled and thought I would die. LOL
I love smoking my pipe! The flavors of tobacco make it very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing!