I’ve been going through my old cd/dvd backups and restoring photos and documents to my new desktop, since I have officially made it my main computer since about the first week in January. Since I have a huge hard drive in it (compared to all our other computers combined), I have the storage space. Anywho, I had found a couple of cd’s in my sock drawer a while back, and remembering what they were, I promptly destroyed them. Nothing illegal, but something I do not wish to keep around either. And I knew there was a backup somewhere with what was on those. And I found it and destroyed it too. By the way, 30 seconds in a microwave will render a cd/dvd completely ruined. :cheesy: Stinks though.
So anyway, back to the backups. I found 2 directories with names that ended with the s-word. I admit, I chuckled remembering where that naming convention originated, but changed the ending s-word to stuff instead of the one it was. Yes, that word still falls out of my mouth quite frequently, but it is no longer something I take pride in. But yet, once upon I did, and was all kinds of proud of myself when the security office saw similar-named directories in my home directory at work (in the UK, not where I am now). And no, I didn’t get in trouble, but only because it was found the week I was outprocessing before terminal leave, and it wasn’t worth the effort.
Wow! you have been posting some and I have not even been here to see it.
I want to know what was on those DVDS. :listening:
Well, you can want in one hand, and check your email with the other. 😉
I had a hard time reading this completely through because I kept going back wondering what was on the DVD’s LOL.
What was in the Poop directory also?
As for the poop directories, one had music in it and the other had work-related notes in it.