You have a band. You need a band name, a title for your first album and an album cover design.
Here’s how to do it:
1 – Go to Wikipedia and hit random. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 – Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 – Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 – Use Photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.
5 – Post it on your blog along with these instructions, and trackback or link to your post in these comments.
Here is mine:
I say “mine” when the 3rd photo is copyrighted, so if I have to take it down or get sued, I’m gonna get you Mel. :dlstrike:
Ha. Mine was copyrighted too. I like your band name
I forget what the name was, and I meant to keep the entire quote too.
Well, they all have native copyright, whether any of them are registered or not, but I cheated a bit and took the third pic that didn’t have downloading disabled. Xure, I could’ve screencapped one of the others, but I figured that, unless it says otherwise, those w/o downloading disabled are open for use.
I figured I would include the copyright with the photo, just in case. :whistle:
I don’t think ANYTHING on Flickr can be copyrighted.
To be honest I don’t think a lot of people on there ACTUALLY paid for the exclusive rights to any of their work.
Anybody can put the ©
This comment © Macbros 2011
You are probably right. All my photos on Flickr have that same copyright. LOL
Check your spamhole will ya!
Patience grasshopper! LOL