So there I was, on my way to work, minding my own business, listening to some music, when out of nowhere, there she was. I was southbound, and she was in the northbound lane moving west…fast. Alas, she wasn’t fast enough.
I had always hoped that I would have my first deer kill while out hunting with a gun. But, it was not to be, and I took her out with the Caravan. She went flying, bounced a couple of times, and rolled to a stop well across the ditch. By the time I finished the initial inspection of the damage to the front-end of the van (which is hard to do when it is still more dark than light and my flashlight sucks), she had stopped twitching and only stared at me with wide, lifeless eyes. Those eyes got to me, and bothered me a bit.
What a way to start off a Monday, huh?
I would have felt bad about the deer too. Poor thing, probably wondered what the F’ was happening.
You are lucky too. I saw the pics on FB and the damage is minimal compared to what I’ve seen.
Glad you OK too.
I was surprised there wasn’t more damage because she was pretty good size. You can’t really see in the FB pics how broken the headlight is.
I like that song… nothing like having to watch it over 50 times as a young man… now I have the image of a deer being thrown through the air and striking the ground with a thud to go with the image of young children singing in the streets. lol. Thanks for the story.
LOL,I guess I should have thought of the association before titling the post after the song. But, I was singing it all day… 🙂
Aww poor dear, and deer! You’re right, that’s a lousy way to start a week.
Hey Heather! Yeah, it wasn’t pretty.
Oh Maaaaaannnnnnn! I haven’t hit a deer yet, but I’ve come close. I have hit a dog though. That got me.
I haven’t hit a dog yet, but I ran over a cat once. That was way worse than the deer.
Yeah, you are lucky the deer didn’t jump and go through your windshield, as they do in many accidents involving them.
I happily did not think of the deer and the song that matches the title of your post together, thus I am not associating the sight of a deer being hit by a vehicle with the sound of Mary Poppins singing. Thank God. There’s enough other horrible crap that’s been implanted in my head over the years, I don’t need that as well. 😀
I’m on your blog, postin a comment.