I turned back on the option to create a daily digest of my Twitter posts. I remember how much Danny liked those. LOL I figure that’s the only way the blog will be consistently updated, especially since I am tweeting again.
So I am back in school and spent the whole day reading about software quality. You cannot imagine how exhilarating that is. lol But joking aside, I read a lot of stuff that really needs to be implemented at work so as to eliminate the drama. That said, hopefully the drama is behind us.
The hubby has been working on the fence, and has almost completed it to the point that we will have 2 separate areas for the dogs. We have had to separate them because Brownie tried to kill both the other girl dogs. Goal is to have Brownie and Buster in one section, Darci and Notch in the other, and Evie can remain the house dog.
The carpet is being put in Mom’s “new” house today, and I think that is probably the last thing before the house is ready to move into. My cousin has been sending photos as they have done work on the house, and the transformation is phenomenal. They have done an excellent job remodeling, as I knew they would.
I’m still waiting for the video you said you might do. And might means will. 😛
I have to admit though. The Blog Sphere has been VERY quiet lately.
See, what had happened was, when I finished playing, I went straight to bed, and I’ve done homework all day today. :whistle:
Yeah, I guess everyone is suffering from writer’s block or just plain non-interest. Though I have to admit, a lot of my inactivity is due to work stress. I found a “comfort zone” for that stress and it isn’t blogging. But maybe that mess is resolved or at least mitigated.
Software quality is important. You may produce a break-through, become famous and get an offer to revamp Microsoft and other companies.Consultants make a lot of money.
The “Tweets are handy for exposing your thoughts to the world. :cheesy:
Unfortunately, I would have to develop some breakthrough software in my spare time since I wasn’t hired to be a developer. 😉
Not only thoughts, but bathroom habits. :rofl2: