Oh I have plenty to say, but I just can’t seem to get started on anything. For one thing, I am worn out mentally. I’ve been doing quite a bit of brain-intensive work at work, and when I get home, I’m just kind of done. But, I am close to wrapping up a project at work, and maybe I won’t be so tired after that’s done. I finally finished a book that I started reading at the end of March. It wasn’t a long book, either. I think I’m quite due for vacation…
vacations are nice. In fact, I’m on vacation this week. Nothing special, just some needed down time to do a lot of things that have been put off.
I think I need to rearrange my home tasks so that I don’t have to do anything on the weekends and can really properly recharge.
I understand what you’re saying. You can’t go on feeling like a zombie forever, unless you are one, right?
Exactly. Since I haven’t been craving any brains, I guess I’m not a zombie yet. :cheesy:
Okay, take the vacation, then blog.
Vacation isn’t until July. 🙁
Okay, blog then vacation 😮
Bloggin’ is not like a job. You don’ts has ta do it when it ain’t right. Right?
Good point. :cheesy:
That’s pretty much the way I feel every day too. I’m thinking vitamins because it’s probably because I eat the bachelor diet and watch a lot of TV.
OK, I’m just lazy.
I could probably attempt to eat better, and, oh, I don’t know, actually get up off my big butt sometime and do something resembling exercise and would probably feel a lot better.
But I would rather just be filthy stinking rich so that I didn’t have to work anymore. :rofl2:
Yup. Be rich. That’s the answer!
Improvise and adapt. Lottsa LOL Cats and Dogs. :cheesy:
Yes, and I have run across some good ones lately. :cheesy: