The whole blogging regularly thing hasn’t been working out like I had planned. That was the reasoning behind having “theme days” so I would have a direction to go in. Apparently, that really doesn’t help that much, sadly. But perhaps I can manage a random list post because the other alternative would be “real” and “confessional,” and I’m not really feeling publicly putting those kinds of issues out there. 😉 I’m also going to attempt to avoid any talk of running and save that for tomorrow; you know, for Training Tuesday. haha
1. 2 weeks ago I mentioned having issues with putting the new belt on the mower deck. Well, that finally resulted in taking the deck off. Since it was off, the hubby was going to sharpen the blades, but when he looked at them, he decided replacing them was the more viable option. Getting the first one off was a major battle, but the second one was worse. Once we got the second one off, we discovered the teeth the blade fits onto were pretty much gone, and so we opted to just buy a new riding mower. *sigh* Oh, don’t get me wrong, the new mower is GREAT, but that was $$$$ I wasn’t up for spending.
2. Realized Friday night that I’m about to have 2 high school kids.
3. Still freaks out over speaking in front of people even if it’s only about 11, one of which is one of my children.
4. I haven’t had any caffeine in a week and a half, and did not get a caffeine withdrawl headache. Also, have not had a significant energy drain, and only had to take a nap once. Almost caved and got Starbucks this afternoon, but I think I will treat myself on Friday instead.
5. Seems to now be on a 14-day cycle. :-/
6. Eating a really craptastic salad as I type this. Yes, you all need to know that.
7. Found a kitten on the front porch Saturday afternoon. My first thought was that Petra had finally followed through on her threat to dump her kittens at my house, but upon closer examination (and the fact that it ran away instead of to me), it was not colored like her remaining kittens.
8. Speaking of Petra, she gave birth to an adorable baby girl last week.
9. Finally moved plants outside for the summer, and turns out I don’t have so many as I did that need to be out.
10. Has apparently plateaued at 20 pounds. Actually, I’ve been bouncing between 18 and 23. *sigh* Having to once again get my diet under control.
Yikes. Sorry about the mower. That thing was really being a pain this season. I know what you mean about having a new one is great and all, but that the expenditure wasn’t one you planned on. Well, hopefully this one will last for many many years and you get your money’s worth out of it. I’m surprised you have a fear of public speaking. When I saw you with the guitar in front of everyone, it never crossed my mind that you might be nervous (like I would be). Well, I’m glad I’m not alone anyway. LOL. Hope you have a fantastic Monday evening!
We did manage to sell the old one right away, so there is some consolation…mainly that I don’t have to deal with it anymore. 😉
The first few times I played and sang in front of church, I was shaking so bad I thought I would fall down, particularly my first solo. I still get nervous, just not quite as bad. But public speaking, yeah, that still gets to me, and what is funny is that when I have to do the leading on Sunday mornings, it doesn’t bother me near as bad as on Sunday night, and there are way less people on Sunday nights. It really doesn’t make sense, and so I just say I have issues. 😉
Seems the strays always find you, LOL
I don’t set my blogging to a schedule. I feel if I have to force myself, it isn’t as fun. I’ll post whatever, when ever.
I know & I don’t know what the deal is! I’m certain that kitten followed Simon from somewhere. He wanders…
Apparently, I shouldn’t since I don’t follow it. Then again, it might happen this week if my motivation stays up. 🙂
Have you tried eating your salad differently, say in wraps? Occasionally I’ll go on an all raw food binge, and for variety I’ll make kale and collard wraps, pulsing the veggies, and adding a bit of tahini or sunflower cheese. That reminds me I haven’t made seed or nut cheeses in a while.
I still have a few years before my daughter is in high-school, although I’m already freaking out that she’s nine-years old! Ok, when did that happen? :timeout:
I finally decided that it was the particular salad mix, and that I just don’t like the spring mix. I’m going to try a romaine/iceberg/spinach mix since I’ve had salads recently that were good. :dunno:
I had my first freak out when my youngest started kindergarten, and then when each started middle school. Time flies doesn’t it? 🙂
Yes time does fly quickly. My daughter just rolls her eyes when I take a stroll down memory lane.
Last evening, after reading about your salad, I started craving one, and ran into the garden and picked some dark leafy greens; collards, kale, and spinach. I also added fennel and green onions; and made my own green veggie wrap. It was good. I added a bit of nut cheese.
My daughter thought I was nuts when she saw me make a beeline for the garden, but upon my return she asked for me to make her a veggie sub. She raved how good the bread was. I’d made it last week… I think she’s just flaunting the fact so bread, containing gluten, doesn’t agree with me.
My son flat out mocks me over gluten. It’s aggravating, but I have a feeling that will come to bite him one day. :tappity: