I look like I am in pain throughout the song. Probably from carrying that double chin. lol But I have promised MacBros that I would post another video for several weeks now, and I decided that I didn’t care how bad I looked (or sounded), I was going to post one. This was the best of the lot. The audio quality goes down significantly at the end. I guess I have everything too loud for my crappy little mic.
[flashvideo file=http://dragonladysworld.com/video/SilverSprings.flv /]
Martha, you sing and play in the ol’ style we all (our age) wanna hear! Original and fun!
You should get a few friends together and play out or get a garage band going for a hobby. It’s fun, TRUST ME, I did it!
I love this !!
All the flaws make it home! Not a recording!
You have a lot of property there, invite a few friends over and a few band members and jam! I can guarantee you ALL have a great time.
Who cares if you aren’t Randy Roads Guitar Player!!!?? It’s all about fun. And after watching your video, I want to be there Jamming With YOU!
Can you just imagine YOU and a few ol’ friends jamming away, and JUST having a night of fun, while others are circled around a Bon-Fire?
I can, and it would piss me off to see that opportunity go to waste if you didn’t at least TRY to pull it off!.
You played awesome Martha!! I’m glad a waited this long. I love the ol (my/your) genre of taste! I wish I was there to play along…!!!
Well, actually, I am playing at church now with the choir. :cheesy: One of these days I will get some video of that.
And you know all my friends are on Facebook. :rofl2:
Wooooooo wooooooooo! Yaaaaay DL! Applause Applause!
That was me around the bonfire that John speaks of, lol.
I tell you what, Mel, if/when I move back to AR, you will have to bring yourself out to Birdtown for a real bonfire jam session. :cheesy:
What do you mean, IF? You have to come back. you have family here. So the next time you come back, you will have to invite me to the jamfest. Or lunch will do. :smug:
Seriously! Call me! Email for my number! lol
Doh! Just realized you said if you MOVE back. Not come back.
LOL! The property at Birdtown is in no shape for a bonfire currently anyway. The whole place (40 acres) is grown up so it would be more like a forest fire. And Mom lives in town, so no bonfire there either. :dlstrike:
Why not sell it? Where the hell is birdtown?
I don’t want to sell it because 1) That is “home-home” and 2) Grandma wanted it kept in the family. It is north of Morrilton on Hwy 9, though my land is “off the paved road.” :rofl2:
*Tapping my fingers on the desk still waiting on you to make another post.*
This week’s writing has been consumed by homework and my personal handwritten journal. And no, that crap won’t be blogged. Ok, maybe I’ll post homework if you keep tapping on that desk… :tappity:
I thought that was pretty cool! I always wished I had musical talent to express myself. It’s a gift.
Thanks Heather. 🙂 It would be better if I practiced more. Maybe after I graduate…