Last Christmas, we found a “new” house for my mom. Now when we went over to the house to look at it, Mom had misplaced her coat, and so I gave her my leather biker jacket. Naturally, I took a picture of her in it and sent it to my cousins. My cousin Carolyn told me that I should make a collage of sorts of that photo of Mom along with a couple others that make her look like a party animal. Now, to fully appreciate that, you have to know my mom. She has never drank other than tasting whiskey once when she was a kid (which took care of ever trying it again) and tasting wine that Uncle Hoss made. She is hardly what anyone would call a party animal, and wasn’t even when she was young.
I guess it was about 3 Christmases ago, my mom asked me for like 3 or 4 weeks if I had gotten a Christmas card from Carolyn yet. It got to the point that I was starting to wonder what the big deal was. Then I got the card. A couple months prior to that, Carolyn’s daughter Jill got married, and they had a big wedding at an old plantation house. I guess my family was picking on mom pretty heavy about her not drinking and even picked to the point of telling her that she wouldn’t even be able to bring herself to pick up and empty beer bottle. Mom being Mom (and this sort of thing runs in the family) proved that she could pick up an empty beer bottle and even pretend to drink it. Naturally someone got a photo and Carolyn turned that photo into a Christmas card and sent it out to the whole family which just embarrassed the fire out of Mom.
Sometime either before or after that incident, Mom went on a trip with some of the family to their aunt’s birthday party. On the way back they stopped to eat in Memphis, and it just happened to be a blue’s bar. Again, that’s a picture that circulated around the family, and those 3 photos went into the frame that I found. I was looking for just the right frame since before summer, and finally found it (which was the last one left) a couple weeks ago.
She will not be able to deny the humor, but will still be mortified that I put those all together like that. So while she will love it, she will hate it at the same time. :devil:
HAHA! Your evil side comes out!
I was just stopping over just in case to see if you had a post up and I’m so glad I did. This is awesome and I LOVE that frame – it is perfect for this! How fortunate that you got the last one! I hope your mom loves it more than she hates it. It certainly will make for great memories. Happy holidays, merry christmas, kwaanzaa, hanukkah to you!
I can hear her now: “You and your cousins think you’re cute.” LOL
This is the first real post I’ve done in ages. Finally found the motivation to write. Well, actually I have had much I wanted to write about but it’s work drama that I’m not going to write about aside from calling it “the bad place” in my Twitter/Facebook/MySpace statuses. LOL Though, that said, I’ll be giving a little scaled down quick and dirty about work mid-january.
LOL! That is awesome! That is what a gift is all about. Not something you just puck up at a store randomly. That’s personal.
I like it and I bet you’re Mom will too.
I still peek in here everyday to see if there’s something new. But not lately. Just twitter and FB updates I’ve already seen. LOL
Nice to see something new that I can actually comment on.
And while I’m here I should make up for all the comments that I didn’t make on teh Twitter updates. LOL
And get my status up there again. 😀
In other words, you want to be on top. :rofl2:
LOL…”Evil side”??? There’s another side???
LOL :salute: