But then I started back on Neverwinter Nights 2, and have made it past halfway point, and want to finish the game.
Class is over, and looks like I pulled an A…somehow.
We got so much rain that I got the car stuck where I have been parking it. Hubby got it out next day, and needless to say, I am no longer parking it there.
I think I am starting menopause. That’s the only explanation for why I cry over just about anything. I’m as bad as I was when I was pregnant, and NO I AM NOT PREGNANT. LOL
I have to work on the riding mower this weekend and get it ready for the mowing season. I noticed my onions are about ready to cut.
So anyway, everything is ok, and once I defeat the King of Shadows, maybe I will be posting again.
Wow, role playing and memories of my first encounter with Dungeons and Dragons many years ago. Have fun.
The big ‘M’? Although I won’t personally experience this phenomenon I was present for witnessing its effects on several of the feminine persuasion to which I am quite familial. Then there was a significant other the amiable parting from whom I give credit to said curse.
Congrats on the ‘A’ and thanks for reminding me I need to prepare for the tasks associated with seasonal change. Something I typically ignore until panic time.
It’s funny that I used to make fun of the folks playing D&D (like my hubby). Don’t have the official A yet. Still waiting on Prof to post final grades. But glad I could help remind you of impending yardword. :cheesy:
Maybe it’s not menopause, but PTSD from the grad course you were taking 😮 Save the onions. With the economy the way it is, you may need the extra food. Wash DC is more entertaining than the old Muppet Show was, tho the acting is not as good…. :headbang:
LOL @ PTSD. If things get so bad I have to eat those wild onions, I probably will no longer have the property said wild onions are growing on. 😉 Weezer did a music video with the Muppets, and the hecklers in the balcony (whose names escape me right now) had the following exchange:
1: They weren’t half bad.
2: No, they were all bad.
That pretty much sums up our gov’t officials right now doesn’t it? :pullhair:
Great! Make fun of me while I’m working and poking fun at me. And now here you go on about mowing when I’m still looking at a crap load of snow! :pullhair:
Aw, you needz a hug. :hugs:
I can relate to the NWN2 obsession. I’ve been playing a borrowed copy of Icewind Dale all week, and I do mean ALL week (same game engine as Baldur’s Gate, but much more fun).
And I’m staring at a lot of work before the garden is even remotely presentable. . .
I lost count of how many times I started Baldur’s Gate and never finished. I started Icewind Dale 2 or 3 times. Character movement aggravates me in each compared to NWN & NWN2. I had barely started last night when the leader of the lizardmen handed my butt to me.
My yard looks awful between the fallen limbs, the wild onions, and the weeds. On the other hand, my riding mower looks awful with that flat tire…
Oh, yeah, that character movement is a game-killer. I hate it. But I’ve gotten involve in the story now, so I’ve got to see it through. (I never was able to get even remotely involved in the Baldur’s Gate story.)
Since I don’t have a garage, I’ve been bribing my neighbors to keep my lawnmower in their garage. But the snowdrops and crocuses are blooming, spring advances apace, and I have got to do something, anything, about that garden.
Sometimes I think I would like to go on hiatus, but my wife would find too many things to do and I wouldn’t have time to move up to a higher level of Age of Empires. :listening: :cheesy:
I hear ya. The hubby is already working on a to-do list for me when I am done with school. That may entail another hiatus. LOL
First – congrats on your A!!!! Yay! I know how hard you worked for that!
Second – that could definitely be menopause. I’ve gone through/am going through the medically induced kind which I hear has more severe symptoms than the natural kind but I can attest that eating more veggies and less red meat does help with the mood swings – maybe it’s the hormones? I don’t know. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon – the crying jags are hard and make you feel miserable because you are totally aware that you are doing it for no good reason. LOL
Third, nice discussion in your last post. Very deep, but very honest and humble. I’m not outwardly religious but have my beliefs and I like it when people do some studying on their own and don’t just blindly accept everything that is handed to them as fact/faith. You are a smart cookie and I’m glad you are doing this for yourself.
Lastly – WHAT???!!! You have onions already? I’m so jealous!
Actually, I didn’t really work very hard on this one. That’s why it is so surprising given what little effort I really put in to the class.
I was going to say I don’t really eat that much red meat, but that would be wrong because I get quite an abundance of ground beef. I’ve considered giving up meat for a little while, though. Not really to be vegetarian, and certainly not vegan, but just to see how my weight and such are affected. Of course, as soon as I try that I’ll start craving steaks. LOL
My parents always taught me to study myself rather than rely on someone else, including them, when it came to the spiritual. I wish I had studied more over the years, but it does no good to dwell on an unchangeable past.
Oh, don’t be jealous of my onions. They are wild onions. :cheesy: I planted shallots a couple of years ago, but that didn’t work out, and now the spot is in the dog pen, so there will be none. Looking forward to my asparagus coming up though. Might have enough this year for a mess. LOL
Looks like I stopped by on the right day.
A break from routine is a good thing now and then.
Nice to see you back. :usflag:
Thanks Skul, and now that I have finished the game, I guess I am now back back. :cheesy:
It isn’t what you eat that’s the problem – it’s how you eat and how much you exercise. Eat many times throughout the day in small doses, that is to say, graze. If you exercise enough it won’t matter how much food you digest. My son, age 32, cannot put on weight, he’s even tried drinking canola oil from the bottle to try to get enough calories but to no avail. Of course, he exercises a lot.
Exercise, or lack thereof, is the biggest culprit for my weight. Of course, that is probably a big part of my emotional “instability” also. Knowing I should exercise, and doing it though…sigh. I just don’t have the drive to make myself exercise, even just to walk everyday, that I used to. I really need to work on that…