I see your nerve…

and raise you one.

Last Monday, I got an email from one of the ladies at church asking the hubby and I if we would sing a duet for Singspiration the following Sunday evening. I let the hubby make that call since my knee-jerk reaction was to panic and say “No way.” But I made it through the music during vacation bible school and this didn’t involve any motion (aside from playing guitar), so I also didn’t try to coerce the hubby into saying no.

Now, why am I posting it? Well, I told a couple of folks who “demanded” to see video, and if I am going to go through the trouble of converting and uploading for them, I might as well get a blog post out of it. LOL

[flashvideo file=http://dragonladysworld.com/video/IMG_0017_NEW.flv /]

4 Responses to 'I see your nerve…'

  1. mel says:

    I FOLD!!!!!!
    I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, as my daddy liked to point out to me throughout my entire childhood.
    Hey DL, you sing better than your husband. Be sure and tell him I said that.

  2. MacBros says:

    LOL! Like a couple of teens being forced to sing in a play. After Mom gave the best spit wash on the cheeks and parted the hair just right. :laughatu: