Twitter Updates for 2009-10-05

  • is still sick. 🙁 #
  • going to watch Fantasia with Chad, provided he ever takes the shower I told him to go take. #

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One Response to 'Twitter Updates for 2009-10-05'

  1. teeni says:

    Aww, I hope you are feeling better soon! I just read your last couple of posts so I could catch up. So you are back in school again, huh? Just can’t keep you out of that place. I think your head is just gonna explode one of these days with all the knowledge you are cramming in there! LOL! Seriously, that accident sounded freaky as well as the lightning hitting your house. Yikes! I was once in a car accident where I was stopped at a red light and was hit from behind and shoved into the car in front of me. It is scary. I’m so glad nobody was hurt though, especially with all the cars that were involved. As for the lightning, I don’t know but I hope you have a lightning rod now. 😯